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What Fraction to Play?

Posted: July 1st, 2008, 10:53 am
by Lozal
Since we didn't have this topic before everyone started making characters. Let's make this the official allegiance poll. Since I have a 41 paladin, I am still willing to reroll Alliance, so I will not be voting unless it's a tie. This would have been easier if Blizzard didn't mess up the lore (Draenei should have been Horde and Blood Elf's should have been Alliance).

Re: What Fraction to Play?

Posted: July 1st, 2008, 2:13 pm
by Tarquin
I would say Horde, just because their lore is so much more interesting.

Re: What Fraction to Play?

Posted: July 3rd, 2008, 12:18 am
by Jaegar
no preference. I haven't played any of the warcraft games so I have no pre-existing ideas about either. Both have somewhat interesting races. I can go with either.

Re: What Fraction to Play?

Posted: July 3rd, 2008, 2:11 pm
by Slayer
doesent matter to me i got a race i like for both teams *+ i never see anyone on anyway*
human,gnome and goat dude *goat dude only because there hunters rule*
undead,blood elf and troll *they all look ownage*
so up to everyone else authough i might vote alliance due to there quite cool and more paladin race wise

Re: What Fraction to Play?

Posted: July 5th, 2008, 2:33 am
by Yahoo
I voted for alliance.
I just like them more than horde :P

Re: What Fraction to Play?

Posted: July 5th, 2008, 3:31 am
by Slayer
immagen if blood elfl hadent been with horde though O.o
i think they did it like that due to the fact most alliance are human as it is <.<