Madden 2006: 7" NY Jets Player!!

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Madden 2006: 7" NY Jets Player!!

Post by Yoon »

Looks like EA Sports' latest Madden 2006 isn't free from the typical buggy EA games standard; apparently, one of the NY Jets players wasn't given the "correct" dimesions: :D (Click on the pictures to see large versions of the pictures)

Hi, I'm the World's Smallest Football Player!

Ahhhhh! Don't Step On Me!

Um, I Think I Stepped On Something...

Yeah, I'll Be On the Offensive Line Too!!

Source: The Lions Den

Before you ask, no, it's not a cheat mode. It is a GAME BUG. Maybe one of the EA Sports game developers accidently inputted the NY Jets player's dimensions as 7 inches instead of 7 feet? Who knows. :P

Pretty funny, but pretty sad at the same time. Given EA's history to patching game bugs in it's past games, they may or may not fix the bug. Too bad it's the only NFL game to choose from now that EA has exclusive rights to NFL games. >:(
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