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listen to the Fish Head Hat: RainRO

Posted: November 10th, 2008, 4:05 pm
by rainkid
Hello! And welcome to RainRO. Want to know more about the RainRO? Read on.

- Server rates: 100x Base Experience, 100x Job Experience, 20x drop rates
- Max base level 255, Max job level 120 for transcended classes
- Server is Non-Player-Kill
- Fully implemented War of Emperium: Second Edition
- We have all currently available jobs including Gunslinger and Soul Linker
- Fully implemented homunculus
- Fully functional in-game mail system
- Fully functional in-game auction system
- We have all new maps including Cursed Abbey, Thors Volcano, Yuno Castles, Satan Morroc
- seasonal Prontera
- We have the following NPCs
- Job Master
- Skill and Stats Reset
- Platinum Skills
- Stylist with 86 different hairstyles, over 300 hair and 500 clothing colors, colored wedding gear and summer gear
- PVP room warper
- Town and Dungeon warper
- MVP room
- Mall and mall warper
- Dedicated Vending area
- the War of Emperium is hosted twice-weekly - Wednesdays at 5:00pm to 7:00pm server time and Saturdays at 1:00-3:00 server time.
- We have custom items never-before seen anywhere else (player and GM created)
- a Donation gift shop that is non-donator friendly
- 54 player @commands: @storage @gstorage @die @go @memo @petrename @party @time @date @serverdate @servertime @jailtime @refresh @pettalk @skilltree @autoloot @alootid @mobinfo @monsterinfo @mi @exp @rates @iteminfo @ii @whodrops @whereis @me @showexp @showzeny @showdelay @autotrade @at @changegm @changeleader @partyoption @invite @duel @leave @accept @reject @away @aw @main @commands @noask @request @homtalk @hominfo @homstats @auction @mail @noks @sleep
- multilingual support - communicate in your native language with other players whether it be Japanese, Chinese, Russian, or even English. (Yes, tagalog too!)

Now, you should also know that:
- we are a professional management team
- we are datacenter hosted, dedicated hardware (4 servers, across three datacenters, 3 data backup points)
- we have plenty of bandwidth and resources for a lag free gaming experience
- we have a great and growing community
- we are live 24/7 - the game doesn't sleep even when we do
- we have a single file, automated installer

Our goal is:
- to maintain a fun, fair, and balanced server
- to enjoy and have fun

Just so that you know:
- admin has 14 years in the technology services industry, runs own consultancy
- main server is on a dedicated server at ThePlanet, the most reliable datacenter in the USofA
- web and patcher is located at GNAX datacenter in Atlanta. GNAX is one of the most modern and best performing datacenter in the US
- data is backed up every 30 minutes, pushed out to 3 external locations
- we have never had a wipe, nor will we ever

New updates coming soon:
- all unreleased headgear attainable via Rewards Girl our unique voting rewards system
- @dance to boogie down (@sleep when you are tired!)
- custom pets and GM dungeon

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email me at
