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Got My Wisdom Teeth Pulled

Posted: December 2nd, 2008, 7:39 pm
by Yoon
Well, I got all four of my wisdom teeth pulled out today. Two of my upper wisdom teeth were growing in and one was at a weird angle, scratching my cheek, so I wanted to get them out ASAP. (For those that don't know what wisdom teeth are, they're your third molars) My lower wisdom teeth weren't in yet, but I decided to get them pulled as well, since they were going to end up impacting my secondary molars.

So I went in to the dentist's office this morning for the wisdom teeth extraction and the dentist noticed that it was my birthday yesterday. He said, "Oh, it was your birthday yesterday. Happy Birthday! Now here's your present - getting your wisdom teeth pulled!" The whole procedure took about an hour. The upper wisdom teeth took about 1-2 minutes (per tooth), while the lower ones took a bit longer (15-20 min). All in all, it wasn't bad; the areas where the teeth were pulled are definitely aching now, but the painkillers they prescribed me are working wonders for that. :p

So, have any of you gotten your wisdom teeth pulled yet? :D

Re: Got My Wisdom Teeth Pulled

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 3:10 am
by Yahoo
They took all of mine :P
This autumn.
Had pain in them so I got them pulled out :)

Re: Got My Wisdom Teeth Pulled

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 4:14 am
by Slayer
to be honest iv never had a tooth pulled out yet i abuse them :D
btw yoon did the dentist give you your teeth as a late birthday present :)

Re: Got My Wisdom Teeth Pulled

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 7:26 am
by Hadvi
I still have all of them and I dont really have problems with them yet :p. maybe they will be pulled out in the future I dont know.

Re: Got My Wisdom Teeth Pulled

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 9:06 am
by Demon
Hadvi wrote:I still have all of them and I dont really have problems with them yet :p. maybe they will be pulled out in the future I dont know.

Re: Got My Wisdom Teeth Pulled

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 11:48 am
by Slayer
iv jest noticed yoon has put a diffrent word for taking out a tooth in each part of the vote
1. exstracted
2. yanked
3.taken out

Re: Got My Wisdom Teeth Pulled

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 1:02 pm
by Yoon
The dentist prescribed me some painkillers (ibuprofen, amoxillin, vicodin) after the extraction. Thanks to the vicodin, I haven't felt much pain after the surgery, but for some reason, I couldn't go to sleep!:cry:

Re: Got My Wisdom Teeth Pulled

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 1:23 pm
by Yahoo
Ah. I couldnt go to sleep either.
Wasnt because of the pain.
It was because the it didnt stop bleeding.
Did bleed for 2 days >.<

Re: Got My Wisdom Teeth Pulled

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 3:29 pm
by Slayer
mabey it was knowing you havent got 4 teeth because i couldnt sleep everytime a baby tooth came out when i was younger. worst bit was knowwing there was a huge gap in your mouth >><

Re: Got My Wisdom Teeth Pulled

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 3:32 pm
by Yahoo
There is huge gaps still in my mouth :P

Re: Got My Wisdom Teeth Pulled

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 3:33 pm
by ascot
Well my wisdom teeth are still growing i guess (but im wise anyway D:), but they dun bother me, ion see any reason to have them pulled... Maybe later XP

Re: Got My Wisdom Teeth Pulled

Posted: December 4th, 2008, 3:15 am
by Slayer
why are they called wisdom teeth anyway i mean it doesent make you any smarter :D

Re: Got My Wisdom Teeth Pulled

Posted: December 4th, 2008, 10:22 am
by Yoon
They call them wisdom teeth because they typically grow in at the age (young adult) you are considered 'wise'.

I know in Korea they call them "sah-rahng ee", which means "love teeth". They call them that because the pain you experience from wisdom teeth is considered to be as painful as your 'first love'.

Re: Got My Wisdom Teeth Pulled

Posted: December 4th, 2008, 11:41 am
by ascot
Well in polish those are just "wisdom teeth"... And are useless and causing just charm so are usually removed XP But yeah, basically people don't need wisdom teeth at all. They might just get cavities

Re: Got My Wisdom Teeth Pulled

Posted: December 4th, 2008, 12:18 pm
by Slayer
tooth decay ftw :D that would get rid of your wisdum teeth with less pain i guess :D