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Posted: November 18th, 2007, 3:32 pm
by Jaegar
For no particular reason, I feel like starting a thread for food discussion. I think the solid column of "yoon" in the tread starters of this subforum needs to be broken though ;D

I'm pretty good at cooking. I've never met a recipe I couldn't make. I'm mostly limited by the stuff in my kitchen and my motivation. I have a few REALLY amazing dessert recipes, but they're all a pain to make (naturally).

heh, that reminds me of foods class in high school. Ah, the nice lazy classes you get to take as a senior. We spent over half that class in the kitchen. The final exam was to make a batch of cookies from scratch by yourself. One of my friends said he'd punch me in the nuts if they weren't the best cookies he'd ever tasted XD (because I had a reputation for making stuff turn out well). I'm glad I didn't disappoint him ^^

Despite that, I eat a lot of prepackaged foods out of convenience. (mmm instant noodles and hot pockets ^_^)

Recently I've been messing around with fried rice. I found a simple recipe for it and started experimenting. It's fun trying different meats, veggies, and seasonings. I could type out some of my better variations if you like.

Anyone else especially good/bad at cooking? What do you eat most of the time? What are your favorite foods?

... lol, while I was typing this a spammer went and broke the "yoon" streak for me.


Posted: November 19th, 2007, 12:59 pm
by Tarquin
Never tried cooking much (after a certain messed up dish :P), but love eating Chinese & Pizzas. Im veg though.


Posted: November 19th, 2007, 2:22 pm
by Jaegar
hmm? what happened? It'd be sad if you gave up on something because of one mistake, especially if you know what went wrong and how to fix it next time.

When I first tried making fried rice with steak the meat turned out tough and something didn't taste right. I wasn't sure what was wrong, but next time I was more careful cooking the meat and adding the seasonings and it turned out great.

I've never understood what's difficult about cooking. All you have to do to learn is find a few simple recipes and follow them exactly. It's even easier if you have a more experienced cook in the kitchen with you (parent? grandparent? sibling? girlfriend?). Once you learn the basics of recipes and stuff you can work up to harder and harder stuff (like the improvising I'm doing at this very second, mmmmm teriyaki hamburger).


Posted: November 20th, 2007, 7:02 am
by Yahoo
Havent tried cooking very much.
Well.. Im in school so my mother cooks mostly :D


Posted: November 20th, 2007, 2:58 pm
by decker
Cooking is easy i kno how to make hella different dishes
LOL...yesh i am a cook not a pro but yeah only been cooking for 6 months LOL


Posted: November 22nd, 2007, 1:37 pm
by Ghost B3N
hehe i suck at cooking.

i never realy tryed it and i dont realy have the motivation for it D=
a wel maybe later XD


Posted: November 23rd, 2007, 12:58 am
by Jaegar
no motivation!? D=

You have no tongue! What happened? How long have you had no tongue? Did it hurt? Do you miss the taste of food at all?

>3 I love taking people too literally.


Posted: November 24th, 2007, 3:15 am
by decker
no need motivation jus boredom datz y i cook because im bored LOL well da is like motivation i think XD


Posted: November 28th, 2007, 2:28 pm
by Lozal
Cooking...I'm decent at cooking as long as I have a recipe. Ever since we moved into our new house I've been grilling a lot. I love to grill hamburgers, hot dogs, shrimp, and brats.


Posted: December 10th, 2007, 10:54 am
by Saxire
well like tarq im veg too,

but i like cooking,sometimes have to since i live with my grandma,

donno to cook that many things yet

jae you think you could tell me a few things(veg,not even egg LOL) that an amatuer could try cooking ??:P


Posted: December 10th, 2007, 2:51 pm
by Jaegar
veg O.o ummmmm maybe my mom has a couple of bread recipies that would qualify... and you can make fried rice w/o meat or eggs but fried rice is a bit tough. mmmm ooh! casseroles! I dunno... most good casseroles w/o meat have cheese at least. Is that on the "no" list too? I <3 my tasty meat, so I haven't ever tried anything without animal products.

Let's look at a couple of easy categories...

Grilling--I started to dismiss this one, but then remembered that some people make grilled veggies, so I guess that's a possibility. Grilling's pretty easy if you know how a grill works (my mom's banned for nearly blowing up the back porch once).
I've never made grilled veggies, but if it's anything like grilling meat, you just season it then toss it on. Come back a little later and poke it to see if it's done. Repeat as necessary.

Baking--This is how I started. I helped my mom with cookies and bread and stuff when I was really little then just kept learning. Some baking uses milk and eggs of course, but there's also stuff that doesn't. You'd be better at figuring out what you wanna eat than I would.
To bake you need the pans, measures, recipes and an oven of some sort. Making stuff from scratch is naturally more complicated than from a mix, but it's really just a matter of measuring more ingredients. The basics of baking are pretty easy. Measure stuff, mix it up, and put it in an oven for a given time. There are all kinds of little tips/tricks and stuff that make it easier or better. To learn that stuff you'd need to look up a cooking guide or work with someone with experience cooking. All the extra stuff is just that though, extra. All you really need to know is how to measure, mix, and bake.

This looks like a good place to throw in a random recipe. ;D
Easy Microwave cake

1 cake mix (I like chocolate)
1 16 oz. tub of icing (mmm double chocolate)
1 microwave-safe bunt cake pan (the one with the hole in the middle)

Mix the cake mix according to directions then pour it all in the bunt pan. Spoon the icing on top in large blobs. It doesn't matter much where it goes.

Microwave for 12 minutes (if your microwave doesn't have a turntable you should probably turn it 1/4 turn every 3-4 minutes). Because microwaves vary wildly in strength, you may need to cook it longer (or maybe a little less). When it's done the top of the cake should be slightly firm when you poke it, but the knife/toothpick test won't work (stick something in and if it comes out clean it's done). The cake is too moist for that. It's really a matter of preference when it comes to this cake's doneness.

Let the cake cool in the pan for about half an hour then turn the pan upside down over a plate to get the cake out. Be careful, because the icing melted and went to the bottom of the pan. Some of it will ooze down and flood the plate you put the cake on and if it's on the undercooked side there can be quite a bit of oozing. It's not a tidy looking cake, but the icing permeated goodness is amazing. The only remotely difficult part is the microwave cooking because microwaves are so different from each other (unlike ovens, where 350 degrees is 350 degrees).

Yes, this is such an easy recipe, that's all from memory
Nothing else is coming to mind about vegetarian cooking, but it's not my specialty (at all). A google search for "vegetarian recipes" came up with a few sites. I google for recipes quite often and it usually works.

I'm gonna go make something with pork now. Mmmmmm tasty >3


Posted: December 11th, 2007, 12:04 am
by Saxire
poor pig.. :( lol
oh yeah ive made jus plain chocolate and it tastes amazing,im in love with chocolate :D

so every weekend if i get time i make chocolate but i havent learnt to make anything but i guess baking seems easy,and i do have an oven so i guess i could try something after my exams get ove

and even though most people in south india are in love with fried rice i hate it ???..i think im jus sick of rice lol

and i love cheese too :P


Posted: December 11th, 2007, 12:05 pm
by Jaegar
oh, cool! milk and cheese are okay then. I would suggest my favorite cheesy broccoli and rice casserole, but it sounds like you're not as much of a rice fan as me. In America you can go years w/o eating rice (unless you count precessed stuff like cereal).

I've tried making chocolate and fudge a few times. I made the chocolate when I was younger and my mom messed it up because she thought I needed help (=o) lol. Haven't tried it since then and my fudge never hardened right in all 3 times I made it (still tasty >3).

The only sweets I make normally are actually a family tradition around this time of year. I make Amaretto Hot Cocoa mix and Egg Butter and we give them as gifts. The hot cocoa mix is self explanatory, but if you've heard of egg butter I'd be surprised. It's a syrupy spread made with a bunch of random sounding stuff like eggs, cocoa, peanut butter, and spices that's great with toast. Unfortunately, it has a couple of eggs so I guess you can't have it =/


Posted: December 11th, 2007, 3:13 pm
by Saxire
yeah there are lots of things i cant have...1 thing which i miss after i learnt egg was in it is Mars :( :(
i used to love that chocolate :X lol,anyways when you live in india you eat rice 2 times (minimum) in most houses(atleast mine) so im not what you would call a fan!!

no i havent heard of it (no surprise) so if you do find something else tell me coz now is the time im gonna be home most of the time :P


Posted: January 2nd, 2008, 7:31 pm
by Yoon
The only thing I can really cook (sadly) is spaghetti. I've always wanted to learn how to cook other things, but I never really had the time to do it. Maybe I'll add "learning how to cook" on my 2008 Resolution. ;D