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Current Party status

Posted: April 16th, 2008, 4:57 pm
by Jaegar
last time it was a pain looking up initiative and stuff, so I'm gonna make this and post it here for easy (I hope) reference. I'll add and edit stats to reflect what I need as things happen.

Currently not in combat...

Running damage meter added! uninjured characters and defeated enemies aren't listed

Tarq: 2 damage
Nim: 4 damage

I guess I'll go ahead and type a map... I should probably standardize some map notation. nnnnngggggg o.O maybe later

Map updated May 12, 08 not a lot to see atm...

Every typed character represents approximately a 5' x 5' square
. = normal terrain
o = space containing a tree
x = obstruction, in this case the straw
_ = space containing a fallen log
E = ebil dog O.o Lower case shall denote the smaller hound
S = some gnome
T = Tarq
M = Me
F = Fluffy (I don't expect him to do anything, but he's there XD)
# = shall be the torch in the wall
? = you can't see/move to this part of the map. In this case it's also the wall

Yaaay we have loot. Ima write it all down here for us. I'll also start keeping track of resources used (shots fired and items used and stuff)

Cloak of weaponry (Nim)
pot. cure LW (?)
oil magic weapon (?)
Glass Trinket (?)
Gold Trinket (Leena)
MW dagger (Leena)

3 gp in silverware (party)
20 gp Gem (party)
102 gp (party)

2 shots (Leena)
1 cure wand charge (Nim)
3 shots (Nim)
1 large shot (Nim)

Current Party status

Posted: April 17th, 2008, 12:51 am
by Saxire
Are we sure its ebil dog? or can we change it to cute doggie that angie has ?XD

Current Party status

Posted: April 17th, 2008, 1:02 am
by Jaegar
it's ebil dog

vereh vereh ebil

would you like to wait for it to demonstrate? You can XD

Current Party status

Posted: April 17th, 2008, 1:16 am
by Saxire
Yeah kk would be insteresting ;3