Ubuntu 8.04 - Hardy Heron Now Available

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Ubuntu 8.04 - Hardy Heron Now Available

Post by Yoon »

For those that are interested in Ubuntu Linux OS, Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron" is now available for download. It seems that 8.04 is a large update compared to Gutsy Gibbon (previous Ubuntu release). You can download Ubuntu 8.04 at Ubuntu's website:


I'll be downloading this and testing it out under VMware.

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Ubuntu 8.04 - Hardy Heron Now Available

Post by Jaegar »

I've been planning to use this in that computer I'm gonna build whenever I save enough money (which should be soon). As predicted I didn't need an OS before they released the next version XD I'm interested in what you think of this.
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Ubuntu 8.04 - Hardy Heron Now Available

Post by Yoon »

Well, after running Ubuntu 8.04 for a little while on my older Pentium III laptop, I can safely say that Hardy Heron is a worthy Ubuntu update. While most of the core remains the same, the Ubuntu developers have done a bit of work to make Ubuntu easier to use for those that are not experienced Linux users. I posted a screenshot of Ubuntu 8.04 in action below:


On a off-note, Terminal Server Client on Ubuntu works well for remotely controlling Windows computers. Makes it convenient for me to control my main PC & Media PC from anywhere in the house. :)

Although still not quite as easy as using Windows (for mainstream users), Ubuntu is getting close with each major update. ;)
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Ubuntu 8.04 - Hardy Heron Now Available

Post by phyxius »

hey mike, have you heard of yellow dog linux, what you think about it?
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Ubuntu 8.04 - Hardy Heron Now Available

Post by Yoon »

Unfortunately, I haven't heard much about Yellow Dog Linux, except that it's one of the few Linux OS' that can run on PS3. Are you planning on trying it out on your PS3?
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Ubuntu 8.04 - Hardy Heron Now Available

Post by phyxius »

yeah, just for the curiosity

EDIT: Installed, i like it, you can run major applications and stuff (including other systems Emus), only bad things:

-No 3d Acceleration (they say they are working on it)
-No full memory support (only 226 mb out of the 512 of the ps3 system)
-You MUST have a keyboard and a mouse (you can use the Dualshock 3 but meh.... is slow)

lol, mario on the ps3, wooot! <3
Last edited by phyxius on May 20th, 2008, 9:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Ubuntu 8.04 - Hardy Heron Now Available

Post by Yoon »

phyxius wrote:yeah, just for the curiosity

EDIT: Installed, i like it, you can run major applications and stuff (including other systems Emus), only bad things:

-No 3d Acceleration (they say they are working on it)
-No full memory support (only 226 mb out of the 512 of the ps3 system)
-You MUST have a keyboard and a mouse (you can use the Dualshock 3 but meh.... is slow)

lol, mario on the ps3, wooot! <3
Pretty cool. :D I'll have to try this out once I get a PS3, now that MGS4 is out. ;)
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