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Major Spam Bot Invasion Crisis Averted!

Posted: November 25th, 2012, 4:51 pm
by Yoon
Over the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday week, Y-Corner was invaded by spam bots from Russia. As the board's been really inactive as of late, the phpBB3 version of this board was severely out of date, leaving Y-Corner susceptible to a lot of security flaws. I did a reversion of the forums database before the spam invasion, banned the bot IPs, closed registration, and committed a fresh install of the latest version of phpBB3.

Unfortunately, this means that several features (such as the chat box) have been removed. I'll slowly re-add these features back, once the board's been firmly locked down.

Re: Major Spam Bot Invasion Crisis Averted!

Posted: November 25th, 2012, 5:24 pm
by Yahoo
There was couple bots yea xD

Re: Major Spam Bot Invasion Crisis Averted!

Posted: November 25th, 2012, 6:42 pm
by Yoon
It was pretty bad. The spam bots took advantage of a phpBB3 registration security exploit and used that to register over fifty accounts in a short period of time. I became aware of the situation when I started getting large amounts of e-mail notifications that were marked as undeliverable; apparently, the bots used dummy e-mail accounts to register and were bypassing the e-mail activation part. :p

Either way, I'm updating the forums now. Can't be too lax when it comes to web security! :lol: