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Re: Proposal

Posted: November 21st, 2008, 12:24 am
by Tarquin
I just got 1 thing to say. I am NOT playing iRO. I don't even have a character yet. The thief I made awhile back is deleted, I just have a novice now. I just wanted to start. SO before everyone starts accusing me of abandoning and running off, hold that off. I have not quit Raije, as far as I know, my 99 Creator still exists. As for disappearing completely, yes once i 99ed my character I have been playing DotA with my college friends. I have not quit and gone to some other server like you all seem to think. How many times can I be expected to grind for money? I hoped I would get the money I needed for equips from partying which still hasn't happened.

Basically summarising what I mean :
1. I haven't quit raije, I have a character at 99 still.
2. I don't have anything to do on Raije until we start partying, which seems to never happen.
3. Therefore I will NOT be on Raije aimlessly when my free time is so limited. If we are partying, I will be the first person to be on. Otherwise I got other things to do.
4. I am at exams now so I cannot play for another 2 weeks atleast.
5. Next, "Raije was my idea, so I played". Sorry to be blunt, but you act as if you are doing me this big favour by playing. You are not.
6. You are saying "others are playing wow or w/e which sucks". Demon is playing wow, but have you seen his character on raije? He has +7 everything and a 99ed character. Similarly, he has nothing to do.
7. Yes I am the same "fool" who convinced people to play Raije. But no one did.
8. You are accusing me of doing other things and abandoning raije. Isn't that what you have been doing all this while? My point being, all this while many of you haven't ever been on Raije. Now suddenly everyone is "let's never leave raije, iRO sucks etc etc". Leave raije? You almost never played on it.
9. I did not "fail the guild". I get bored when no one is online and I am already 99.

From my point of view, I did not quit Raije. Those who do not play did. Its pretty obvious I want other things to do. I cannot sit and do nothing on Raije. I did not intend this to start a flame war or anything. @ Hadvi : And I frankly do not care if you do not read this, I want to clear some misconceptions up.

Re: Proposal

Posted: November 21st, 2008, 1:06 am
by Angie
No ranting, flame crap plox :? everyone is busy and its boring alone,hence noone is on.
Even demon is bored cause noone is on. His the GL but its still boring with noone on xD
Traq wants iro cause he likes it and noones on Rajie.. tho i doubt many ppl will go cause they don't have as much free time as others or cause of the time difference so even one will be on at the same time.
Also, ppl are WAY to lazy for that xD I wouldn't really mind cause I want parties and stuff. Lets just get off our bums and play again one day. I'm free tomorrow so i will be on in the mornings since that matches a lot of ur times

Re: Proposal

Posted: November 21st, 2008, 3:48 am
by Demon
Reason why I'm not in raije is that there's no competition in WoE 2.0, in WoE 1.0 we could have done something but guess what, I can't attend it. Also most dungeon bore me, I know them better than my own pockets, those ones I can't solo are only intresting ones (Satan Morocc place, Endless, Bio3 etc..). And of course it's boring alone. And I kinda miss the community in legacy/qro where I knew ppl from other guilds too, now those ppl are either quit or scattered to different servers...

Re: Proposal

Posted: November 21st, 2008, 4:02 am
by Yahoo
As long as the guild is named WTF, Im not coming, period.
Change back to The Forgotten or think of something better.

Re: Proposal

Posted: November 21st, 2008, 6:06 am
by Saxire
Well every1 has a different reason not to play and even when you play its not the same times ... its not and cant be a single person's fault so just dont go accusing of it being 1 persons fault ...

Re: Proposal

Posted: November 21st, 2008, 10:43 am
by ascot
@Tarq, I'm sorry for my misconceptions. I don't want to lose a friend, and I don't want TF members to think "It's all over now". Because it isn't.

The Forgotten is now on Raije. Remade.
Let's all come there, make it a guild just like it was when I first joined on LRO v.2... I have good memories, and I promise a new guild picture ^_^

Let's say that WTF was a name that brought us bad luck, and due to unexpected, unfortunate coincidence and no1 is guilty.

I guess that if we all try one more time it will work... I know there are exams, studies, irl life... But it worked on LRO, means will work here as well!^^

Re: Proposal

Posted: November 21st, 2008, 5:08 pm
by Yoon
Since Forgotten is now back, I have unlocked the Forgotten Guild Discussion section, which was locked earlier this month when the IdealRO TF went inactive.

Re: Proposal

Posted: November 26th, 2008, 2:34 pm
by Deity
LOL! Reading all this shit is funny :D!

But yeah, before mvping and pvping came out (now i changed sax to a pvp machine :( ) leveling was actually fun. Don't you guys remember just leveling with irl friends or in-game friends, talking and wut not? Dunno about you but it was fun for me (I remember talkin to angie while we both used our sin {not sinx!} on qro and leveling on those lamearse seals~). But if the majority of peeps don't want to play, I guess that would go for me as well's all about the people. I'll pop into the practice server you guys made once and a while I guess..

Re: Proposal

Posted: November 27th, 2008, 3:15 am
by Yahoo
Stop talking here deity and start to play too :P
Im partying in ro but it would be much more fun with guild members. (even though I had nice party yesterday with nice people :P)
But yea. Come to raije people. Im willing to make parties but I need people to join them :P

Re: Proposal

Posted: November 27th, 2008, 11:55 am
by Slayer
i agree that was a nice party yahoo
ya im willing to join those partys :D
atm theres four of us quite active join the party :D

Re: Proposal

Posted: November 28th, 2008, 12:50 am
by Deity
I wish I could but I have a lot going on (as always~) but expect me to be on for certain by like...uh after christmas or during that break ;P

Re: Proposal

Posted: November 28th, 2008, 11:42 am
by ascot
waiting for you~! Just come whenever you feel like RO isn't screwing up your real life XP

Re: Proposal

Posted: November 29th, 2008, 5:22 pm
by Slayer
ascot wrote:@Tarq, I'm sorry for my misconceptions. I don't want to lose a friend, and I don't want TF members to think "It's all over now". Because it isn't.

The Forgotten is now on Raije. Remade.
Let's all come there, make it a guild just like it was when I first joined on LRO v.2... I have good memories, and I promise a new guild picture ^_^

Let's say that WTF was a name that brought us bad luck, and due to unexpected, unfortunate coincidence and no1 is guilty.

I guess that if we all try one more time it will work... I know there are exams, studies, irl life... But it worked on LRO, means will work here as well!^^
i agree to everything you have said it worked on LRO so why not here? there arnt that many diffrences with most RO servers. if its easy to lvl there isent problems with that is there? because even if its easy to lvl you gotta think everyone else is the same lvl as me now i gotta relie on my skill and my equips am i right? its like as if you pitted a bunch of novices against each other with choice of weapon and equips.

for those of you who playyed raije ro why not give it a second chance to see how the guild is going? if we work together TF could become the guild it use to be on LRO ^^

@toeveeryone if i have annoyed you in anyway or anything like that i am sorry