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Valentines day plotting

Posted: January 13th, 2009, 9:59 pm
by Jaegar
Hi all ^^'

I've been missing lately for a very good reason. I finally found the most perfect person currently on the Earth. I picked the perfect time of year for it too oddly. Just in time to get to know each other and give Christmas presents, then kiss on New Years Eve

I'm finally figuring out why some people are so crazy about each other but Amber's not sure how she feels D= Anyway... The point is that this is the first Valentines Day that's going to mean anything to me, and I have a lot to prove.

As part of the insanity that has afflicted me I've come up with various ways to demonstrate how I feel. They flow at an alarming rate, but I've gotten one I'm going to need more help brainstorming and as my extended group of friends who have no way to alert anyone else to my massive plot, I'd like to ask for your help.

I have several ideas for Valentines day gifts. I've already bought three and started thinking about when/how I'd give them to Amber. Then the crossover happened. Why can only Christmas have 12 days? :twisted:

I need gift ideas (minor, I'll probably end up with enough on my own) and more importantly, song lyrics! I'm not so good at music. I'd like them to match the cadence of the 12 days of Christmas (so it can be sung) or the numbering (so it can be written and have it look good). Matching both would be a massive plus.

I'm on a limited budget (no job D=) so $10 a day would be my reasonable maximum. She has a thing for tootsie rolls, and is allergic to roses but likes chrysanthemums. She's a gamer (yay luck works in my favor at least once) aaand I have no more ideas for stuff that could help you guys with gift ideas...

I've already bought a 400 count bag of mini tootsie rolls which I plan to shape into hearts, a smaller valentines day bag of tootsie rolls with messages on them, and a box of chocolate marshmallow peeps (6 in the box). I'll post more on the gifts/song as I come up with it.

Help would be greatly appreciated ^^;

edit: details removed because people who know both of us actually have found this forum apparently >.<

Re: Valentines day plotting

Posted: January 14th, 2009, 9:31 am
by ascot
Good luck Jae ^^~!
Well it's kinda easy, but why not buying her... an amber? XD In Poland those aren't very expensive... hmmm.... teddy bears are pretty neutral, you buy those when you really don't have other idea, like photo frames XP... Unless you make some game-char doll yourself :3
How about giving her other kind of flower with a gift everyday? ^^

Re: Valentines day plotting

Posted: January 14th, 2009, 5:14 pm
by Slayer
good luck jaegar with valintimes day
hmm on valintimes day you could have her round and have a romantic dinner *anything i guess :D* in a dark room with a candle usually work well i dunno jest suggestion there :D.
gifts hmm chocolates,dolls,anything handmade might work too
the most importent thing you gotta think about is that what gift you get shows how you feel
gonna get the roses are red,violets are blue valintimes cards?

Re: Valentines day plotting

Posted: January 15th, 2009, 5:07 am
by Ghost B3N
Good luck on your valentine jaegar.

I'm thinking what i should do this year for my girl.
She usually says she don't want to do annything, but i always get here some present or something.

Re: Valentines day plotting

Posted: January 15th, 2009, 7:46 am
by ascot
On the first day of valentines my true love gets from me~~
One tootsie roll heart~
Two chrysantemums~~
Or whatever you give XD

Re: Valentines day plotting

Posted: January 15th, 2009, 2:46 pm
by Jaegar
ascot wrote:On the first day of valentines my true love gets from me~~
ooh, I like that. I was trying to figure out how to fit the first line of the song in. I really suck at this >.<

I'll have to check on the availability/pricing of flowers around here. Multiple flowers is probably a workable idea. If pepsi is crazy enough to make a valentine label edition I'll get that too. I forgot she likes pepsi a lot.

Re: Valentines day plotting

Posted: January 16th, 2009, 2:59 pm
by Tarquin
I would offer you advice if I could, but it so happens that I am as inexperienced as you are on this matter. All the best of luck to you though!

Re: Valentines day plotting

Posted: January 16th, 2009, 7:27 pm
by Slayer
pepsi lol on one day a bottle of each type of pepsi drink? :D

Re: Valentines day plotting

Posted: January 17th, 2009, 5:40 pm
by Jaegar
Hmm, I think I'm just going to gather gift ideas for now and worry about the extra showing off with the song later. Might even have to write it after this whole thing's over XD

Was listening to my favorite internet radio today and couldn't help but notice that a particular song was perfect. I shall count it as a gift! To sum up my ideas so far... (not necessarily in order of gifting)

1) tootsie rolls
2) more tootsie rolls
3) a song about how I feel
4) some kind of pepsi
5) more of my cooking (need to think of something good)
6) flowers (got recommendations for a good florist in town)
7) chocolate marshmallows

I'm at least halfway there (more if I extend the flowers to more than one day which I probably will). Thanks for the support ^_^