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Posted: December 6th, 2006, 12:53 pm
by Jaegar

lol, just wanted to share the most interesting thing I've done in a while. I should probably explain a bit though.

Our school's Young Republican's Club is accepting donations during lunch to buy care packages for the troops overseas. If you donate a dollar you get a paper star to write something on and stick on the wall. All the stars together are supposed to form an American flag.

My best friend Josh and I were talking about how we wished we had some extra money to spell out the longest funniest word we could think of letter by letter, it kinda grew and we convinced people to help us. So now our school has a 45 letter word on the wall ;D

Here are some pics I took with my parent's old digital camera




lol, they actually ran out of properly colored stars so we had to make it in all white. Supposedly it'll be fixed when they cut our more red ones


Posted: December 7th, 2006, 6:06 am
by Ghost B3N
what does the word mean?

and its probably the longsest word ever XD


Posted: December 7th, 2006, 12:30 pm
by Jaegar
lol, according to that link to at the top of my post...
The word pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (also spelled -koniosis) is defined as "a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica (sandlike) dust, mostly found in volcanoes". It was originally coined simply to serve as the longest English word, but has been used in several sources as an approximation of its originally intended definition. The name generally used to describe this condition is pneumoconiosis, which is much shorter.
lol, yeah. It's the longest word in the English language. ;D