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12-Year Old Sues Father Over Grounding & Wins

Posted: June 20th, 2008, 4:42 pm
by Yoon
Heard about this on HardOCP, AFP is reporting that a Canadian 12-year old girl sued her dad for grounding her and the court agreed.

More details in the AFP article here: AFP: Court Overturns Father's Grounding of 12-Year-Old

This has got to be one of the most ridiculous stories I've heard all week. First of all, the concept of a 12-year-old taking her dad to court because he grounded her is a bit far off. And child abuse wasn't even involved! Second, the fact that the court actually agreed with the girl is sad, considering what she did to get grounded in the first place:

The girl had taken her father to Quebec Superior Court after he refused to allow her to go on a school trip for chatting on websites he tried to block, and then posting "inappropriate" pictures of herself online using a friend's computer.
Right. I guess that means that Canadian kids can sue their parents whenever they ground them, for any reason. ::)